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memes are posts that u can see on Pintrest or anywhere else. they make you happy all the time and they make you live (like me). memes are fantastic better watch them :) you get really addicted to them after watching one.

the most important words to memes: memes never die, they live for ever

my friend: omg did u see this hilarious meme??? if u didn't i'm not ur friend anymore
me: bitch ofc (of course). i look up memes every second. cuz when i don't open them, I would not be here right now they make me live
my friend: that's my friend

by memes_for_life December 4, 2019


the trashiest thing ever in the world. school bully us and they torture us. its hell. they want you to get fucked up. they kill trees by simply using a lot of paper. they dont let you go to the W-C even if u feel your gonna piss on your self. they dont let you drink water ( they ask you to say the answer but you cant since you couldn't drink water). they make you sit on plastique chairs for 7 fucking hours. they make you memorize things for nothing like history that was in the past. we pay more than 10000 (in my school) and they are so cheap to get amazing WiFi, and other stuff

dude1: bitch wtf is this school
dude2: its school its torturing us

by memes_for_life November 21, 2019