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mohith has had various incarnations over the years and each identity has its own, ever-expanding history. had aliases Victor Timely, Pharaoh Rama-Tut, Blue Man, King of Kings, Master of Men, Lord of the Seven Suns, Victor Timely Jr, Victor Timely III, Kang, Conqueror of the Universe,Scarlet Centurion.otherwise known as He Who Remains. mohith eventually found the existence of the Multiverse and met up with all his other variants. However, instead of looking for peace, mohith along with other villainous variants wanted to conquer the other universes, starting the first Multiversal War in the process. mohith and the other variants were eventually stopped by He Who Remains, who weaponized a creature named Alioth to end the war. He Who Remains then created the Time Variance Authority and the Time-Keepers to secure the "Sacred Timeline" and prevent mohith and the other variants from returning

1) I come to you humbled. The enemy of your escaped enemy. With your power and my wisdom, I believe we both can be satisfied. Together, we can destroy mohith
2)As was preordained, as was my fate from the birth of this reality! Reality itself, merely a puzzle for mohith to unlock, that he might claim--with honor--what is his! That I might stand--mohith, conqueror of the universe
3) The Twentieth Century belongs to mohith! To mohith!!

by mephist0 November 23, 2021