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A gay ass alternative to skateboarding. a.k.a fruitbooting. pussies that try to skateboard, and realize that its too hard convert to fruitbooting.

fruitbooter: wow look at me, i can jump so high with my blades on!!!

me: theyre attached to your fuckin feet, you idiot

fruitbooter: (starts crying) leave me alone.

by metallilbanger April 3, 2005

92πŸ‘ 296πŸ‘Ž


the best sport ever, and yes its a sport. freedom. sport with no boundaries, rules, or limits. do whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want. no stupid coach to yell at you, and no stupid uniform. i do it for the thrill, not for fame,money,or chicks. people who do it for those reasons are just posers. and its way better than bmx. fuck metal molesters. skaters are stereotyped as dilinquents, but were not. theyre also stereotyped as having piercings, and died hair, and listening to punk music, but thats not me. i dont even listen to punk. its stupid. and i hate posers.

skateboarding is mankinds greatest invention. sk8 4 lyf

by metallilbanger April 3, 2005

275πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž


a musik channel that actually plays fucking music!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG

mtv idiot: i luv mtv, it so cool

me: fuck that, watch fuse you moron, they actually show music video's

mtv idiot: OMG, really!!!!!!!!!

by metallilbanger April 8, 2005

22πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


the conductor of the crazy train.

all aboard the crazy train.

by metallilbanger April 8, 2005

335πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

fitty cent

a rapper that wishes his record were worth fifty cents. rap sucks

Me: your dumbass paid twenty bucks for a fitty cent cd, i would pay a fuckin penny.

wannabe gangster: yo so what nigga, fo' shizzle, yo dawg imma bust a cap in yo ass son.

me: im not your fucking son, retard.

by metallilbanger April 14, 2005

97πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

st. anger

the worst MetallicA album every made.
shit. fuckin shit. i hate it.
i listened to the whole cd atleast 50 times. i tried really hard to get myself to like it, but i couldnt. its just too bad. a waste of 20 dollars.
why did they sell out????WHY?????
metallica's skills have FADED TO BLACK.

retard: OMG i love st. anger

metallibanger: fuckin retard, that shit sucks, listen to master of puppetz, or kill em all.

retard: what are those.

metallibanger: WHAT?????????

by metallilbanger April 5, 2005

188πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

false metal

the horshit "music" that bands like slipknot, and korn make. music that requires no talent to make. based on an image, rather than quality of music. fuckin poser ass shit. i hate it. singers that cant sing, screaming meaningless lyrics, and playing power chord after powerchord, over and over.
garbage. music at its worst. Nu-metal.
disgrace to music. disgrace to mankind.
unfortunately MetallicA decided to sell out to this shit, and they dont make the good shit that they used too. its sad but true.

poser bitch: hey man, want to listen to slipknot

MetallibangeR: fuck no, lets listen to manowar, or slayer, or (early) metallica shit, or fuckin ozzy, you poser ass douche fuck.

by metallilbanger April 5, 2005

301πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž