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kick ass metal band.
R.I.P. dimebag.
Cowboys From Hell

is there no standard anymore?what it takes, who i am, where ive been, belong.
you cant be something youre not, be yourself, by yourself, stay away from me. a lesson learned in life, known from the dawn of time. re - spect, walk, what did you say? are you talkin to me??

by metallilbanger April 3, 2005

775πŸ‘ 247πŸ‘Ž

sad but true

a MetallicA song
its SAD BUT TRUE that they sold out.

st. anger sucks balls

by metallilbanger April 5, 2005

89πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

false metal

the horshit "music" that bands like slipknot, and korn make. music that requires no talent to make. based on an image, rather than quality of music. fuckin poser ass shit. i hate it. singers that cant sing, screaming meaningless lyrics, and playing power chord after powerchord, over and over.
garbage. music at its worst. Nu-metal.
disgrace to music. disgrace to mankind.
unfortunately MetallicA decided to sell out to this shit, and they dont make the good shit that they used too. its sad but true.

poser bitch: hey man, want to listen to slipknot

MetallibangeR: fuck no, lets listen to manowar, or slayer, or (early) metallica shit, or fuckin ozzy, you poser ass douche fuck.

by metallilbanger April 5, 2005

301πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž

band faggot

any faggot bitch ass little panzy in the schools band. nerdy little fuck that thinks he's so god damn smart cause he can play a fuckin trumpet

play guitar you faggot.

by metallilbanger April 14, 2005

60πŸ‘ 245πŸ‘Ž

jeffrey dahmer

an extremely fucked up person. slayer wrote a good song about him called "213". why 213?? because that was his apartment number where he killed and fucked people.

driving compulsion morbid thoughts come to mind, sexual realease buried deep inside. complete control of a prized possession. to touch and fondle with no objection. lonely souls, an emptiness fulfilled. physical pleasure and addictive thrill. an object of perverted reality. an obsession beyond your wildest dreams. death loves final embrace. your cool tenderness, memories keep love alive, memories will never die.
------------slayer rules---------------

by metallilbanger April 8, 2005

164πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


who made who?????????did god make us, fuck no. we mad him. in our fucking minds we created an imaginary person.

God Hates Us All!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by metallilbanger April 4, 2005

70πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

american english

american english is just another way of saying bastardized english.

americans dont know how to talk. i should know, because im american.

by metallilbanger April 24, 2005

111πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž