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1. A plan or mission to get laid.

2. The steps one takes in order to get vagina.

1. It has been a bit since John got laid last so he decided he needed a vagenda.

2. Person 1: "Why has John been on his phone all night?"

Person 2: "He's been texting his ex...he's got a vagenda."

by mfucci September 12, 2012

3👍 5👎


1. referring to a sudden distraction (an A.D.D. lapse in time) mid thought, while another is talking, or when trying to accomplish any task.

(definition is in reference to the movie Up when the evil dogs would stop mid sentence thinking they saw a squirrel)

Example 1: "Stop squirreling on me bro."

Example 2: "Quit squirreling on me every 2 seconds, I'm trying to give you directions."

NOTE: there was a lot of squirreling while trying to define this word.

by mfucci September 7, 2012

45👍 9👎

cake pussy

pussy that doesn't require any effort to get

"yo dude that girl was such a slut, that was some cake pussy."

by mfucci May 3, 2009

40👍 19👎