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Leon is an amazing person, they can always lighten up the room with their jokes, and crack anyone's stone cold face. Leon tends to get very annoyed if someone does them wrong, or one of their friends wrong. You hurting them is one thing, one of their close friends is a whole other ball game.

Leon is usually pretty quiet and laid back once you first get to know them, but once you befriend them. It's like you two are a bunch of wild party animals!

Leon is very quiet when trying to find the right words to say in a situation, and they can't seem to put their finger on the right words to say. They don't mean to go silent on you, they just don't wish to make the situation worse, or are afraid that they'll find the wrong words to say.

Leon is amazing at quick humor, and hardly can get offended. If you make fun of Leon in a joking manner(such as a close friend to them) they'll probably just laugh it off. But if you mean harm towards Leon, it will take them a while to snap, and once you successfully make them snap. All hell breaks loose.

Leon will be your friend til the end, they're good to go to for a whole-hearted laugh, and a shoulder to cry on.

You never realized how much you needed a Leon in your life, until now.

"Hey!! Leon's on! Let's invite them, they always know how to make us laugh!!"

by milliechino March 30, 2023