Source Code


Heat Sink Fan.

Used in CPU cooling.

fag gamer: Man I've been smoking a pack of camels while playing BF2, and my HSF siezed up from all the ash.
ME: What happened then?
fag gamer: BF2 then crashed and my stats didn't update.
ME: boo fuking who.

by ministryofsound May 14, 2006

39👍 28👎

bidibodi bidibu

A song from the movie "Super Troopers" Possibly the only good thing that has come out of Germany.

n00b guy: You heard that song from Super Troopers its sick as, what's it called again?

l33t guy: It's bidibodi bidibu you n00blet.

by ministryofsound May 22, 2005

115👍 53👎