Source Code


Stands for "know-it-all."

Ugh, he acts like such a kia!

by mirmirladybug October 24, 2012

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Urban one-timer

A person who only puts one definition on Urban Dictionary and then forgets it even exists.

Jake: hey, Bob made a neat dictionary entry on Urban Dictionary. Joe: yeah, but he only made one. He is an urban one-timer.

by mirmirladybug October 31, 2012

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Not Bored

Something you're not if you're looking this up.

George: I'm not bored
Jack: Well, then why are you looking that up on Urban Dictionary?

by mirmirladybug November 21, 2012

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Dictionary surfing

Reading random words in a dictionary, either urban or paper.

I was extremely bored, so i went dictionary surfing.

by mirmirladybug November 21, 2012

Monkey pants

Pajama pants with monkey print.

I wore my monkey pants to bed on Friday.

by mirmirladybug October 4, 2012

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Urban freak

A person who only will publish something on Urban Dictionary only if it includes sex, swear words, or drugs.

I made many perfectly good definitions for Urban Dictionary but those Urban Freaks just don't publish them.

by mirmirladybug November 1, 2012

Partridge family

The show with the theme song where the partridge comes out of the egg, shakes one half of the egg off its butt, and kicks the other half away.

Dude, in the partridge family theme song, why does the partridge get rid of the egg!!?? Obviously an egg on its butt could protect it!

by mirmirladybug November 21, 2012

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