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academic decathlon

a scholastic competition which involves all of the following:
1) the abuse of any number of anti-sleep substances
2) epic plastic swordfight
3) a 500 ton binder that won't ever be used for anything besides dropping it on the floor to annoy the superintendent on the first floor
4) a super-action-packed event called the super quiz, during which the honors students sit and laugh at the varsity students, followed by an intense jousting match
5) giving an interview and speech to a panel of three old, stoic and unfailingly unsatisfied judges
6) a vast amount of unattractive people

or, 7) a term used to describe anyone with large bags under their eyes, a vast amount of bruising or dry erase marker all over their hands

1) freshman year I used coffee to study lewis and clark, but i've found that anatomy and physiology requires crystal meth
2) did you see those freaks upstairs in plastic armor? the acadorks ought to be dragged out in the street and shot.
3) why does she have trouble walking into school on mondays and thursdays?
4) did you see that stupid kid who just got 0/5?! please, i got at least one.
5) my speech judge tried to hold up her "30 seconds remaining sign" but she was arthritic and so i continued on for five more minutes and got a 80.
6) hey, he's not bad looking... for an acadork.
7) that bitch in my ap lang and comp class? she makes no sense, she's so academic decathlon in the morning.

by misspandora October 21, 2005

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