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A person who is capable of having physical, romantic or physical attractions to people of both geneders. Contrary to popular belief, being bisexual does NOT mean that someone is equally attracted to both genders. And bisexuality is not just a phase. People who believe so are biphobic as well as ignorant. Some immature people may pretend to be bi for attention, that is NOT true bisexuality.

Being bisexual can be really complicated, trust me. If you are attracted to the opposite gender your whole life, and suddenly one day you find yourself lusting after someone of the same gender, it can be really confusing sometimes. If one of your friends tells you that they are bi...just give them support and don't go around telling everybody you know. As I mentioned earlier, some people are biphobic. :(

Synonyms Include: 'bi', 'ambisextrous', 'purple', 'going both ways', 'swinging both ways', 'bending both ways', 'batting for both teams', and 'drinking from both taps', to name a few.

1. Key: All the bi's (mispronounciation of 'guys') are playing baseball in the field!

Me: Except me.
Key: LOL!

2. Keeks: So, were you born that way?
Me: Yup, I naturally drink from both taps.

3. I believe that I am bisexual. I am attracted to people of both genders, though I myself prefer girls. For me, the crushes I have on guys and girls feel different somehow. When I like a guy, all I see is his face - I never look at his body at all, and I could care less if he is short or tall or skinny or if he has abs or not as long as he's not morbidly obese or totally anorexic. For girls, it's different. While I do focus mostly on a person's face in general, I actually SEE girl's bodies as being attractive. I especially love their curves...;)


by mlkrmpbrcotos May 8, 2010

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