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The unexpected arrival of police at a party. Usually followed by intense fear of being caught performing illegal activities. Happens so often at frat parties that it really should just be expected.

A: "Dude, we had a popover last night. Luckily the drunkest people were passed out already"
B: "Bananas."

A: "Brah, turn that shit down, we're 'bout to have a popover."
B: "Oh shit better put out dis blunt"

A: "Andy, you know what we haven't done in a long time?"
Andy: "No...what?"
A: "A popover. Let's go catch some underage drinkers and make them piss their pants in fear before we give them a noise citation."
Andy: "Being the embodiment of authority rules!"

by mlo0352 January 27, 2012

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