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A complex state of being sad, hungry, and bored at an ungodly hour of the day.

It was already 3 am and Karen was feeling a little blump, barring her self-imposed social decorum and the fact that she gorged herself on a bucket of chicken wings not but a few hours ago. Yes, indeed, Karen was a feeling quite blump.

by momomoniker September 15, 2020



First definition:
A word used to describe someone who refers to someone who is horny but only for people who are "legal" or aged 18 and above.

Second definition:
A character archetype in a doujin who makes it impossible for the main character to make advances towards them. They're too "bro material" for the main character. A true unironic example of bro, no homo.

1st definition:
Roy was such a soup. He immediately gagged as soon as he realized he spouted such explicit nonsense in front of someone who was still quite young.

2nd definition:
Jenkins was a true example of what a Soup is. He didn't see his friend in the same light as the latter saw him.

by momomoniker September 16, 2020



Shaking my gay head.

There are different kinds of disappointment. The severity of it will often depend on a case to case basis. However, when a gay person shakes their head at you- you're instantly banned to the shadow realm regardless of the reason.

"SMGH," Fionn typed into the chat at his classmates behavior. Why? We will never understand.

by momomoniker September 16, 2020