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purple state

All the states,with the possible exception of Washington D.C. which may be ultraviolet, since it's constituency votes at about 97% democrat.

Even the most conservative states are purple because they vote at least 40% democratic, and as we all know that would make them all various shades of purple states -- ranging from magenta to ultraviolet.

There are no red or blue states, only purple states.

by monkiki November 6, 2006

64πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


An artist who doesn't suck up to the tradition of art, who is either weird or self taught or just makes things that they like. Usually didn't go to art school and may sell their art for money. Craft and primitive art of the urban experience

I love outsider art! it's just too ugly!

by monkiki April 22, 2005

159πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

Bush Family

Am emperialistic family that should be banned from politics. Fake Texan oil barons who pander to the Elite interests of companies such as Enron and Halliburton.

Barbara Bush, the current matron, is most recently known for birthing the retard "Dubya", a mental midget who has been a convenient "puppet ruler" for a gang of bloodthirsty hoodlums, among them Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, who straggled in from the Nixon era to start WW3, if not the Apocalypse.

Probably the downfall of Western Civilization, much like the last Roman Emperors, where the blood grew weaker and weaker due to inbreeding ..finally ending the Empire.

"Al Franken is drafting a petition to Congress banning any member of the Bush Family from running for President"

by monkiki June 4, 2006

570πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


Same as a Camel Toe - when a woman's pants are so tight you can see the cleavage of her vagina lips.

You aren't wearing those spandex bike pants are you? ... they show off way too much beaverage!

by monkiki August 4, 2005

93πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

dead on

A term meaning something is extremely accurate, right on target. Hitting the mark. Correct, absolute.

You nailed that description dead on.

by monkiki April 3, 2005

333πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


EXTROPIANS are a type of transhumanist futurists. Generally they hold an optimistic view of the future, and espouse that technological breakthroughs - mostly in genetics and electronics, will cause human beings to become "more than human" or "better then human". They are often Randian Objectivists, or are libertarian, though not all. They are aligned with Secular Humanists and Skeptics Society as well. They got a lot of media attention during the 90s, for example, co-founder Max More and Tranhumanist artist Natasha Vita More graced the 2000 January cover of Wired Magazine and were darlings of the vastly emergent cyber culture. The term Extropy was coined by T.O. Morrow and Max More. Many Extropians are into Cryonics which means you pay to have your head or body frozen when you die in the hopes that science finds a way to reanimate you.

I went to an Uber- cool Extropian party, And everyone was so hip, so smart, and so techno savvy... but then they started talking about how they were saving their heads in vats of liquid nitrogen and I decided to lay off the vodka.
However, I did learn that Walt Disney did NOT have himself frozen, that was an urban legend.

by monkiki August 10, 2006

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

blade runner

1. A killer of simulated humans called REPLICANTS - clone robots genetically engineered to be way stronger and at least as smart as their creators. In the Ridley Scott movie, a police officer who is authorized to kill these beings is called a Blade Runner.

2. Blade Runner: Syd Mead did the concept art for this awsome flick based on Philip K Cicks novel "Do Andriod Dream of Electric Sheep". Best film ever according to millions of Science Fiction geeks, including me -- until DEADMAN -- a Jarmusch film starring Johnny Depp --outplaced it as the best film of all time.

Sushi restaraunt guy: "He say you blade runner"

Harrison Ford: "Tell him I'm eating"

by monkiki April 6, 2005

249πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž