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J.D. Vance

A Yale lawyer from Ohio that used to work for Peter Thiel, a venture capitalist.
Later he became a Senator and now he is the elected VP.
He broke a memoir that some consider an unfair criticism of his roots and his hometown.

Accoding to some soundbites, he holds very socially conservative views.

His wife is of indian origin, as are his sons.

They say that J.D. Vance hates "childless cat ladies".

by morfantatminin November 21, 2024

3👍 2👎


A reaganite is either a supporter of Reagan and/or a politician which policies align to Reagan's.
Reaganite politicians support market economics (including pro trade policies), social conservatism (specially of the evangelical kind) and deterrence or hawkishness on foreign policy.
Reaganites used to lead the party from the 80s to the 2010s.

- I voted for the republican for the state senate. Is he a trumper? -
- Well, he supports Trump, but his personal views are more of a reaganite. -

by morfantatminin November 23, 2024


1 First book of the christian Bible and the jewish Tanakh and Torah. It's titled Bereshit in hebrew.
The book contains passages on the creation, on the early patriarchs, on the flood, on Abraham, on Issac, on Jacob and on Joseph. It's a sort of foundational story/tale/legend? of the jewish people.

2 A brittish band. After the failure of the first album, it became a progressive rock band during the early and mid 1970s. The original leader and singer, Peter Gabriel, left the group in 1975. Phil Collins became the singer. While the band tried to continue with progressive rock, the subgenre lost it's appeal and after the guitarrist left the band, they adapted to a pop rock trio that became poppier per each album. In 1987 the band released a very "poppy" album which got 5 big hits in the USA (including an #1). After another album, Phil Collins retired. A final album with a new singer was a flop. Later, the

Genesis is my favorite book of the Bible.

by morfantatminin November 23, 2024


Alabama is a southern US state with a dark past of segregationism.
While the racism has decreased since the 1960s, it's still one of the more social conservative states, being one of the more anti abortion states in the union alongside Mississippi.
White and black people from Alabama are mostly christians (usually baptists). Black Alabama democrats, while still on the left in various matters, are usually less progressive than their northern peers in some hot buttom social issues.
Cities like Birmingham and Huntsville are less conservative, that's where most white democrats in the state live.

White people from Alabama are usually stereotyped in two groups:
- Suburban southerns, usually evangelical and supportive of economic conservatism. Nowadays some of them are more moderate.
- Rural southerns, sometimes called rednecks, who are socially conservative but prefer conservatism with a populist flavor. They love Trump.

Alabama is where the Marshall Space Flight Center is located.

by morfantatminin November 21, 2024


Country in South America famous for Pablo Neruda, Arturo Vidal, Los Prisioneros and Marcelo Ríos.
People from Chile are called chilean
The country has a peculiar form, similar to an stick or a line.
Chile and Peru dispute the origin of pisco (a hard liquor).
Bolivia and Chile dispute a potential sea access for Bolivia, altrought Chile won the case in The Hague.
Chilenians are mostly mestizos. There is a non negible diaspora of croats and palestinians there.
Chile is currently the wealthiest country of South America, but also one of the most unequal.

- Chile always copy Peru and Argentina -

- Maybe, but you love to drink chilean wines. -

by morfantatminin November 21, 2024


A zionist is someone that believes that Israel has a right to exist as a jewish homeland.
A zionist may support a two-state-solution or a one-state-solution ("one jewish state").

There are two types of zionists:
- Jewish zionists: Jews that support zionism for religious or other reasons.
- Gentile zionist: The same but with non jews.

A subtype of gentile zionist is the evangelical zionists, those base their zionism in a biblical promise and sometimes don´t care much about jews. There are catholic zionists that support Israel based in their personal interpretation of the Bible, but the Church itself, while recognizing Israel as a state, doesn´t endorse it.
Other gentile zionists usually support it for having jewish friends, for political reasons, for their personal understanding of history and other reasons.

"Ritchie Torres, depsite not being jewish, is a zionist"

by morfantatminin November 21, 2024

46👍 40👎


In Mexico and Peru, people call Brayan to an stereotype of a sort of shanty town jock.
Usually people relate Brayan to a mototaxi driver (in Peru) or a delinquent (in Mexico and Peru).
Brayan may be somewhat fit or skinny. He has brown skin and likes to smoke (either tobacco or weed) play soccer, drink liquor and go to parties. Sometimes he consumes cocaine or other hard drugs.
He isn´t much good looking for western standarts but he has good luck with the girls of his neightborhood.

- Oh no, the Brayan is coming -
- Don´t worry, he is my nephew, the barber -

by morfantatminin November 21, 2024