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mutual throw each other day

Mutual throw each other day is a day replacing national throw short people day, and it takes place on October 21. This day has been taken over by the short people, so they can get their revenge arc without having to wait until national throw tall people day.

Tall person: “Ha it’s October 21st! That means I get to throw you today”
Short person: “Actually it’s mutual throw each other day, so I can throw you as well.”

by mother????? October 15, 2021


the sexiest taurus alive. also, one of the coolest, funniest, hottest mutrals you could ask for. she gives the best storytimes, and if you don't like her, you're #irreverent

"wait who is that really cool and hot mutral you have on tiktok?"
"oh that's pinkshirthrry!!"

by mother????? July 31, 2021