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A improbably large quantity of alcohol.

"Dude, that chick just drank like 3 finneys of jack"

by mountaingeek September 30, 2009

81👍 40👎


The HFU, or HAZARDOUS FOOD UNIT is a unit of measurement used to rate and compare foods, especially crappy foods.

* The lower the measure the better.
* Below 1 is OK
* Above 1 your body is taking a hit.
* Given the demonstrated creativity of 'food scientists' there is no upper bound.


Orange => ~ 0.2 HFUs
Good chocolate (in moderation) => ~ 1.1 HFUs
Twinkie => ~ 20 HFUs

Dude, those pancakes covered with syrup and ice cream and cookies and that sprinkle shit and budwiser were the bomb but must have been 20 HFUs! I'm going home to chug pepto and die.

by mountaingeek August 10, 2010

5👍 4👎