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british developer who doesnt brush his teeth and eats alot of filet-o-fish

1: " bro this xonae dude wont update the nights edge event"

by mrbiggerballsthanbigballs April 24, 2022


xonae/caeso is a British programmer who works at ROLVe.
xonaes currently known roblox accounts are: xonae, 0EI.
xonae was featured on the Prime Gaming twitch channel, along with his colleague known as "Bluay" This is where xonaes alternate account, 0EI was found.
xonaes full name is Dylan Jones.
xonaes status on ROLVe is currently: "Developer"
xonae currently does more back-end development than front-end development
On 2/17/22, there was an incident/argument between lolcat and xonae. lolcat had gotten "KillBrick" and xonae responded with "yeah try rejoin the game bro" and a argument started. lolcat has been ignored by xonae after that on twitter.

1: Bro this xonae dude hasnt updated the night's edge event in forever
2: I know man, xonae really gotta step it up

by mrbiggerballsthanbigballs April 23, 2022


person who leaves a discord server TOO MUCH due to weird people

Tar_Zahn isn't even a member anymore, he just leaves too much

by mrbiggerballsthanbigballs October 14, 2021


a cat that likes to lol

man lolcat really is hated by xonae

by mrbiggerballsthanbigballs June 27, 2022

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