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Albany Hat Trick

The act of screwing a rural area financially and legally until it is overrun with opioids and crime. In reference to the capital of New York creating rules that have led to the rise of crime and drugs in Upstate New York.

Washington, D.C. scored an Albany Hat Trick when they created suburbs in Virginia that inflated the cost of living and led to urban decay decades after.

by mrcoronet32 February 22, 2021

Charlotte Airport

A Charlotte Airport is a form of flaking where someone tells you they will be there in a certain amount of time, and then extends it, and repeats this process. Sometimes they will show up.

The origin is believed to come out of an experience where someone was informed at an airport in Charlotte, NC, that their flight would be delayed for 10 minutes. This process was repeated for roughly 40 minutes.

Bones pulled a Charlotte Airport on her when he said he'd be there in 10 minutes, then said he had an appointment that he forgot about, then said he'd be there in an hour.

by mrcoronet32 September 12, 2023

2010 Volvo V50

The chadliest car. It is wunderbar. Although it is definitively Swedish, it is a Belgian import if you are in the US.

That 2010 Volvo V50 just smoked my 2001 Elantra!

by mrcoronet32 February 22, 2021