Source Code

Pepsi Vanilla

The end result of ejaculating into a woman's anus and having her excrete the semen into a wine glass.

Doris and I enjoyed an after dinner Pepsi Vanilla.

by mrducks December 19, 2003

7👍 24👎

female wood

1. Titty hard ons.

2. A female's erect nipples.

Beatrice has female wood.

by mrducks December 19, 2003

32👍 18👎

the Fonze

The act of shoving both your thumbs into a females anus and saying, "AAAAAA!"

Bill: Remeber that dishrag whore form the bar last night?
Tom: Yeah.
Bill: I gave her the Fonze.

by mrducks December 19, 2003

10👍 23👎