Rana+T are a really powerful fellowship and nothing would break them. They are going slowly now but still let's see what will happen in the future so wait for the future '22 Wagner Students. I got her boisssssss!
Yo, is Rana and you dating? -No, don't say that it's mean but that may happen but it's a maybe/probability. For now we're just goooooood friends. Rana+T <3
Tselmuun is a really smart man along with his handsomeness. He is more handsome than all of the men on the world. Tselmuun is known for being the goddess of Mongolia. King of Mongolia.
Yo, Tselmuun is here! Take a picture with him. He's so hot.
Tselmuun is a Mongolian goddess and is shortened to T. Tselmuun is a loyal, brave, handsome man
Tselmuun/T is so hot and handsome
Tselmuun Chinuukhei is the most famous person in the word, like why is he so hot for everyone. Tselmuun Chinuukhei has to be the most handsome person in the world.
Look, Tselmuun Chinuukhei is over there. Wanna ask him out?
Tselmuun Chinuukhei is the most famous and hottest person in the whole universe and can you deny that? No, you can not. Everyone that passes by him, smiles and winks lmao. Tselmuun Chinuukhei is so hot like how could Jesus create someone this hot.
Yo, look! Tselmuun Chinuukhei is walking by. Wanna ask him for his number and snapchat? Let's get a picture with him.