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boys are the most complicated things on the earth, you will first become friends, this will turn into bestfriends, then you will figure out that you like them more than just friend/bestfriend, this turns into both of yous feeling the same way about eachother and then it turns into a relationship. you love that boy so much,he tells you he love you more and you have pretendy fights over who loves you more,you think you would do anything for him and you tell him this, as time goes on you get more confident on how you's are together, all of a sudden this boy starts to change, you dont like who hes goes out with so you tell him- he ignores how you feel and continues to go out with them, eventually he starts going out with them and you go back to how things used to be, then his friends and other friends which are girls, she takes control of him and he does what she says.. he starts being a really big dick to you and you argue continuesly, eventually you sort things out, then the same thingg happens and you dont really talk much, you try your hardest to talk and work it out but he doesnt seem to want to be together.one day it all ends your heart sinks:/ DONT TRUST BOYS, dont let them take over your life, they might say they love you and everything, but they might not, and they probably wont, they lie and lie, so basicly when it comes to both knowing you like eachother, stay with it that way, cause then you wont get hurt!

"never trust boys, they'll brake your heart"

"i thought i loved jack, and i thought he loved me too"
"if you get close to boys there no doubt you will have a broken heart"

by music_life_love October 12, 2011

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