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Renew, with an accident.

Whoops, spelled renew with an M so I added the W after. So I renewed renew to Renemw. B, D... W, M. Whats the difference. Why not both.
Renewal has been Renemwed.

by my.pseudonym.is.this July 12, 2022


Strange in a way that you haven't decided you feel about.
As in the opposite spelling of good;

G o o d : D o o g

It's always doog till I get a cup of coffee.

by my.pseudonym.is.this July 11, 2022

Having a Doog Day

Not a good day, its a "Doog day." Meaning the day is strange in a way that you haven't decided you feel about.

I'm having a Doog day.

by my.pseudonym.is.this July 8, 2022