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89% of the internet population. people online who think they're hardcore/tough, over opinionated, elitest, arrogant, or prude. they're often found in forums, games, and websites such as youtube. some can be a mix of both "tough" (meaning they only act hard behind the safety of a computer) and over opinionated (people who think they know it all, and/or know better) while others can just be plain "tough" or plain "over opinionated". the over opinionated can also have a pinch of prude behavior.

Guy: what are you just some kind of troll? do you have any idea what you're talking about stupid? i think you're just talking out of your ass. in my humble opinion....*big explanation goes here*

Other: pff, webcores...

by mynameisalreadybeingusedbysome December 31, 2010

13👍 34👎