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Chicago is a city in the midwest. Home to some great things like Second City, and the Sears Tower. Now, I must disprove some of the common stereotypes people have about Chicago. The Southside has every kind of ethnicity you can think of. It's not just blacks. Have you ever heard the term "Southside Irish"? We aren't hicks. As a whole, we aren't racist. While the CPS system isn't the greatest, it isn't the hell that people who aren't from Chicago say it is. Now for the thing that are true. We have a corrupt government, I know that's obviously a bad thing, but really, who doesn't have a corrupt governemnt? Chicago just gets more exposure for it's corruption. We do have a lot of liberals, as is true with most big cities.

Quite frankly, their isn't enough time in the day to name all the Chicago stereotypes. So please stop insulting Chicago and do something more productive with your time.

Silly Suburban Kid: I never leave the suburbs,Chicago scares me!

by myriad_of_sighs April 25, 2009

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