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The femininity or masculinity of someone's personality. As opposed to SEX, which is a set of primary physical characteristics (genitalia, chromosomes, hormones) and secondary physical characteristics (breast tissue, fat distribution, voice, hair growth, etc).

"Dude do you remember XXXXXXX from high school? I saw on facebook she changed her gender!"
"That's impossible, gender is fixed. You mean she's changing her sex."

by mysterysah October 4, 2019

2👍 10👎


A baby whose parents elect NOT to reveal their kid's genital sex to strangers.

"OMG a baby!! Tell me if it has a penis or a vagina so I can know what gender roles to assign it!!!"
"Um, well they're sort of a Theyby... The term 'private parts' exists for a reason, you feel me?"

by mysterysah October 4, 2019

27👍 60👎

sex and gender

sex = body, gender = mind/spirit. some ppl discover that their sex at birth does not match their gender, and some of those ppl change their sex.

A: "OMG I just found out that Marjorie can't see the difference between sex and gender.
B: "That's so sad. Do you think that means she'll be basic forever? Can people change?"
A: I just don't know...
B: Hold me.
*gay shit happens*

by mysterysah February 27, 2020

14👍 19👎