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Remember “Kiss, Marry, Kill”? How about “Fuck, Marry, Kill”, the new version of that? This is pretty much like that, but with 2 new factors.

(FMK)² consists of 6 verbs that describe what someone would do to 6 other (usually randomized) people. The common 4 were listed above (Fuck, Marry, Kill, Kiss), but the 2 new ones are:

“Forget” - The person categorized in this would theoretically be wiped from your memory forever
Either “Manifest” - Having the person reappear in your life + be completely intoxicated by you or the complete opposite
Or “Money” - Where you rob the person of their finances

Ignore how the definition is not correct algebraically.

“Hey, wanna play (FMK)²?”
“What the hell is that?!”

by n3rv3us3 February 6, 2023

3👍 2👎