There is a steadiness to her, as if all the storms in the were a whispering breeze if she was there. She is kind and clever, perhaps that's what draw people to her. It is as if she knew she was born to be a queen of the earth, one who helped others, using her brain to fix whatever needed fixing. There's nothing "princess" about her though, just a fierce independence and a motherliness too... and she was that way from girlhood, confident with the air of a warrior. Her hair is as waves of pure earth, softly reflecting the light of the sun; each strand moving freely in an ocean born breeze, a compliment to her stillness. With eyes of river waters, in glossy serenity, her aura seepa into the summer air between us. And in that moment, in that fraction of time, her smile is in every God given feature.
That's Aisha, she's marvelous.
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