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Annapolis is like nowhere else on earth. We probably have one of the highest concenrtrations of individual wealth in such a small area. The wealthy and elite dominate this place. We live in Murray Hill and Sherwood. We drive bmws, audi, mercedes, and range rovers to be modest. Bored housewives wear million dollar insured jewlery with sweatpants and chanel purses. Kids go to private schools, of which everyone knows St. Marys is the best. Money comes through business and inheritance. Kids wear lacoste polos and sweatpants with 3,000 dollar david yurman jewlery. In order to appreciate the shocking power and elitism of this city, you can only do it by hearing about it. Although not widely known, our influence is far reaching. Were not racist, we just hate clay street and people who put ghetto housing on the water. Were just the best city in the world.

OMG they just donate 8 million dollars to St. Marys. What? Oh thats right youre not from Annapolis, you wouldnt understand.

by naptownyo April 17, 2010

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