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1. A name that, when given to a baby, automatically destines the child for ultra-failure. This includes, but is not limited to:

-Nasty fucking teeth
-A lisp while talking
-Unnaturally intensely blonde hair
-Not smart at all
-No friends
-No social life
-Huge band geek

2. A word that can be applied in place of any noun, verb, or adjective to make a phrase (usually belonging to some element of pop culture, such as a song or movie name) to make it more humorous.

Scott: Why the hell won't Nate's baritone case close?
Eric: It's a mystery known only to God.
John: There is a theory, however that it is because of all of the plaque and crust from his teeth and snot from blowing his nose while crying since he has no friends that built-up and formed multiple Natestains within the baritone itself.

by nateneedslaid January 7, 2008

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