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Developing Plastic Free Habits

The way our world uses plastic today is not sustainable. Most of this plastic is single-use and is only with us for a few minutes or hours. Worse this most of this “single-use” plastic will outlive the user and cause a lot of harm to the environment.

To start developing plastic-free habits, look at the items you regularly use that are plastic. Developing Plastic Free Habits' encourages you to look at the use of plastic in your life and find nonplastic alternatives for the items you use the most.

by naturaldividends December 23, 2021

Natural Dividends

You are a shareholder of the Earth. Being here, you’ve been given a share of its resources. Being a responsible shareholder means taking a look at your relationship with nature.

How you use your share plays into the bigger picture; as Chief Seattle says, “All things are bound up in each other like the blood that binds the family.” You can invest in your share by giving back, being mindful, and helping be a part of the solution.

Each of us has a different level of resources and lifestyle, which plays a big part in what we can do. Becoming a shareholder is realizing that you and your choices make a difference.

Natural Dividends Increases Nature's Share by amplifying the voices of others who are involved in local initiatives, promoting manageable lifestyle changes, and creating connections between individuals and existing environmental organizations. As a community, making small sustainable changes every day will pay large dividends to Nature.

by naturaldividends December 23, 2021

Negative Net Hiking

Negative Net Hiking is simple. It encourages leaving the space better than you found it on your next walk or hike. This could be a walk around your neighborhood, the park, or out in the woods. When something is not a part of nature, take it out with you.

Negative Net Hiking at Hubbard Park

This past weekend, we hosted a Negative Net Hiking event at Hubbard Park in Meriden, CT. After visiting the park recently, we realized that the trails and common spaces were suffering from an abundance of litter.

by naturaldividends December 23, 2021

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Increase Natures Share

Society is encroaching on nature’s share through development, the introduction of invasive species, industrial agriculture, pollution, overfishing, and deforestation. Every year we lose more of nature. It's time we reverse this process.

We each have a share of nature and are taking more and more of it every day, eventually, there won't be any left. Giving to nature rather than taking from it. This is, in essence, the inverse of most environmental messages. Instead of saying to stop doing something, rather start doing more of something else. The effects will have a positive impact on your life and nature.

Let's increase natures share by reusing plastic bags. Let's increase the forest's share by planting more trees. Let's increase the gorillas share by expanding national park boundaries. Increase the ocean's share by using reusable bottles. Increase the airs share by walking and biking more.

by naturaldividends April 6, 2020