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lesbian wishbone

When two girls use a double sided dildo simultaneously then make a wish before pulling out. The girl that retains the dildo in her snatch will have her wish granted.

Girl1: Wanna wishbone (lesbian wishbone)? I'll make all your wishes come true.
Girl2: You betcha.
Minutes later....
Girl1: You got some pussy muscles on you girl, what was your wish.
Girl2: *giggles* If I tell you, it won't come true!

by nederninja October 30, 2009

14👍 7👎


verb. (also LOLblog)
When you live blog a sporting event, physics class, or other event through Facebook status updates, to the annoyance of all your friends. Usually alcohol is involved.

The amount of LOL is determined by:
- how uninteresting, absurd, or scandalous the subject matter
- how frequently updates are made
- how vulgar the updates are.

Girl 1: How was your mammogram?
Girl 2: They found a tumor. I don't really want to talk about it. Check my Facebook; I lolblogged the whole thing.

Guy 1: LOLblogging my calculus exam got me in trouble cuz I friended my prof.

by nederninja December 6, 2009