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Terrorism is the use of non-mandated pressure to achieve an outcome. It is NOT an act of war and generally has political motives. A group of bank robbers are not terrorists, nor are the legitimate armies of any country. The Vietnam war provides a good case and point; the US public initially approved of the action, then as casualties mounted, issues highlighted, the people themselves decided to change the government and stop the war, most definitely not terrorism of any kind. In many Arab, African and Latin countries, Terrorists engage in their actions regardless of government orders or the wishes of the majority of the people. They are ungovernable as they are sociopathic by definition.

When the people can vote out a government and end a war, that war is not terrorism.

The unabomber, suicide bombers, even Greenpeace and the like are terrorists; the U.S., Iraq, Pakistan as sovereign countries with a voting public governing policy are most definitely not.

by nickkeesing November 13, 2007

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