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the dumbass version of the word tomorrow
normally used online

chat started
Jim: so what time should we hang out?
Steve: how about tomarrow
Jim:okay, tomorrow is fine

by nickkzor99 August 10, 2010

115👍 34👎

Late Night Brain Syndrome

The condition of your brain in which late at night you think of things that make you sad, such as memories with an Ex or just fun times that you wish you could repeat and relive forever.
It also includes thinking of someone you like, but knowing that they don't like you back, or you're too afraid to find out if they do or not, therefore, you will never get to be with them.

Jay: I am sad.
Ashlynn: Why's that?
Jay: My Late Night Brain Syndrome is kicking in. All I want to do is sleep but I can't stop thinking.

by nickkzor99 April 11, 2012


A Japanese word that translates to English as "I Love You" (In a romantic way)
You could also try saying "Daisuki" to a person you are interested in.
Or you could say "Aishiteru" to a person you are in a serious relationship with.
"Koishiteru" Is used best when saying it to someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Guy: Koishiteru
Girl: Koishiteru too

by nickkzor99 December 2, 2012

237👍 9👎