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Mass Orgy

A mass orgy is a form of sex, and is the 5th level on the ladder of sex (2 people = secs, 3 = threesome, 4 = smash, 5 = mass orgy, 6 = shrekfest). It is one of the most famous levels but also the one that many consider the worst form of sex. This is mainly due to the fact that it is a just a build up to the best type of sex, the shrekfest, which usually includes the same people in the mass orgy, but also includes one of the members uncles.

Person A: "That was not fun. The mass orgy is shit. Anyways, whose uncle is gonna be apart of the shrekfest?"
Person B: "Mine..."

by nigerfagot March 22, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A home for a ton of gay SJWs that believe that words like "nigger" and "faggot" are prohibited to anyone that isn't black or gay. They only believe that what they like is what everyone else should like, and if you don't agree with them, they will attack you to the end.

Person A: "Omg, this guy just said the n word on instagram, he must be executed."
Person B: "What a faggot..."
Person A: "Oi, you gay?"
Person B: "Nah..."

by nigerfagot March 23, 2017

21๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of people having sex, more people than a threesome, but not as much as a mass orgy or a shrekfest (2 people = secs, 3 = threesome, 4 = smash, 5 = mass orgy, 6 = shrekfest). Many people do not like the use of the word "smash" when referring to 4 man sex. Instead, they like the term "awesome foursome," which may sound better, but it doesn't refer to the sound being made for the sex unlike smash, which is just one smash after the other. Many items, such as lamps, beds and dicks, are usually broken in this event as it involves the most amount of moving around.

Person A: "Hey, you wanna smash, all 4 of us?"
Person B: "*Ahem*
I think you mean Awesome Foursome."
Person A: "No, I mean smash."

by nigerfagot March 22, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž