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what Michael Jackson is

rasict nr.1 ohh look a transnigger
rasict nr.2 ohh he switched teams

by nigeris123 April 27, 2023


A species of dog that reigned in the late 1000's which had conquered most of Eastern and Central Europe. The Gustas tend to be bilingual, speaking a range of Spanish, to Czech to English to German. The Gustas observed a dictatorship which followed (in their prophecy) a master. Scientifically speaking, a master observes a gene called AOD1, which the Gustas can smell. Once aware of the gene in a human (which occurs 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 people) they name him there master.(only one case has beenof this gene its carrier was lenin)

guys watch out the nazi doggo gustas is coming!!!

by nigeris123 April 27, 2023