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A young(but ready) girl who is incredibly timid yet has a stentorian voice. She could sing with the power of a thousand castrati. She is beautiful yet denies it whenever someone compliments her, and she is a sucker for Biology jokes. She has several renditions and series of her new best selling book "Lambda" which she wrote while passing her compsci class with flying colors. Whilst on the topic of colors, her hair resembles nothing but the finest period blood of all of greece, harvested by aphrodite herself. She is picky about brown kids especially ones who are super ghetto and cannot speak in proper english. also is a little shit that cant recognize people god damn her eyesight is shit

"Did you see that girl over there she just completely ignored that hot brown guy, wow!"
"ugh not another <i> Sylvia </i>"

by nigganigganigganig193129031231 September 22, 2013

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