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Mtv Rock The Vote

Democratic propaganda that was created by MTV and Viacom corporation. It leads stupid kids into voting Democrat without examining any details about either candidates because so many punk bands hate Bush.

If MTV has THAT much an influence on stupid teens, maybe I should convince them to tell them to kill themselves so there won't be anymore MTV fans around.

by nikkan_hanil August 17, 2004

61πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

honey family

One of the greatest hip hop groups of all time. A defunct rap group of 7 members in Korea who splice one of a kind ghostly sounds and old school beats. Most unique rap sound in the world. The members are: Digiry, Park Myung Hou, Garie, Kill, Jura, Young Poon, and Su-Jung.

Two members, Garie and Kill, branched off and formed Leessang.

by nikkan_hanil July 3, 2004

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The process of turning someone into a melon smashing loser.

"I'm gonna smash a melon!"
"Shut the hell up, stupid!"

by nikkan_hanil December 11, 2003

9πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


1. To worship a deity/spirit/person showing utter reverence, devotion, and love.

2. To contact spirit(s) that are beyond regular means of human communication for means of asking favors, giving intentions, showing forgiveness, asking of the prayers of the spirit(s), showing reverence or tribute, etc...

1. To worship God.
2. To contact a saint or spirit.

by nikkan_hanil July 1, 2004

55πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


A sport that was apparently popular enough to have a category on urbandictionary.com.

Check that little slidebar when you define a word.

by nikkan_hanil July 1, 2004

902πŸ‘ 387πŸ‘Ž

Towa Tei

Japanese guy with huge, bug eye glasses that makes music. Commonly known for his contributions to the psychadelic band, Deee-Lite.His music is WAY awesome and does not fit into any genre: too strange to be pop, not repetetive enough to be techno, too Carribean-ized and American-ized to be called Jpop, though he has made some tight J-pop like tracks before. He sometimes gets together with phat rappers like Biz Markie and Mos Def. His music tracks are utterly awesome and each album is a work of art.

"I'm going to buy 'Sound Museum', an album by Towa Tei".

by nikkan_hanil December 11, 2003

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

most extreme elimination challenge

Great show of Japanese people getting hurt. The only thing that's worth watching on Spike TV, that sh*t network.

Let's watch Most Extreme Elimination Challenge!

by nikkan_hanil December 11, 2003

5πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž