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Youth characterized by sharp fashion, influenced by 1960's music and culture, and a possible love of Vespa/Lambretta/Piaggio scooters showing alienation from mainstream pop culture. This style originated in Britian.

The word "Mod" can also be loosely tied to a "modernist", who does not fill the above characteristics, but is "hip" into today's appealing fashions/trends/etc...

1. "Nice scooter."
"Yeah. Some Mod dude helped me restore it."
"Wanna come to my house tonight and watch 'Quadrophenia'"?

2. "Adam is all into modern rock! That f---in' mod..."

by nikkan_hanil September 23, 2004

197πŸ‘ 228πŸ‘Ž

peanut butter jelly

An awesome song by The Buckwheat Boys. If you don't like it, you gay 'cause it has gret vocals and fantastice instrumentals.

Let's hear it for the dancing banana!

by nikkan_hanil January 17, 2004

21πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A really cool word. See above definition.

Holy crap! "Kureji" rocks my socks!

by nikkan_hanil January 15, 2004

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Character on the SNK fighting series "The King of Fighters". Has a similar fighting style to Kyo. Silly in personality.

I will own you with Shingo on my side anyday.

by nikkan_hanil July 2, 2004

17πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Books and comic publications from Japan. Most manga are made into anime and vice versa. Usually reads right to left. Sold in the USA as graphic novels.

The anime version of the manga, "Real Bout High School" was an utter disgrace.

by nikkan_hanil December 15, 2003

26πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


1. To beat some one up (verb).
2. A procedure in which a doctor examines your whole body, including your weewee.

No example.

by nikkan_hanil January 19, 2004

148πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


A star with six points. Some look like the Jewish David Star and others have large top and bottom points, though it varies. One of the oldest religious symbols in the world, it was used by many different ancient faiths.

The unicursal hexagram is a six pointed, symmetrical figure drawn with one continuous movement. It was devised by Golden Dawn and adapted by Aleister Crowley as a device of personal significance. It was created for the purpose of drawing the figure in one continuous movement, as the other magical polygons are created- the pentagram is one example. Crowley's adaptation placed a five petalled rose, symbolizing a pentacle, in the center; the symbol as a whole making eleven, the number of divine union.

A beautiful but mysterious and potent symbol.

by nikkan_hanil July 1, 2004

22πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž