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College girlfriend

Something I can't get!

It seems like everyone except me is able to have at least one college girlfriend.

by nilethe146 May 15, 2018

Sky Tower

A building in Auckland that looks almost exactly like the Space Needle in Seattle

Auckland Sky Tower: +64 800 759 2489

by nilethe146 March 10, 2015


The generation of people born from the early 80's to the early 2000's. Also known as the best generation ever. Many people like to criticize them for being entitled and lazy, but millennials have more education than any previous generation which disproves the laziness claim. There is no strict definition for when the generation starts and ends, but people start it as early as the mid-70's and end it as late as the early 2000's. Common characteristics of millennials include their use of technology and prevalence on social media as well as a vast amount of student debt. Yay for the millennials!

I was born in 1996. That makes me a millennial.

by nilethe146 January 13, 2018

24👍 26👎


A spanking

You got 66% on your math test. That is 4% below passing, so that means 4 licks with the belt.

by nilethe146 December 3, 2017

17th grade

Your first year of graduate school. It's called 17th grade because you have gone through 12 years of compulsory education and four years of undergraduate education at this point.

I start medical school tomorrow. I can't wait for my first day of 17th grade!

by nilethe146 March 10, 2023


Something that people believe happens at universities even though it doesn't. People are claiming that universities institutionalized indoctrination centers that brainwash students into believing woke ideology. In reality, going to university exposes you to new ideas which in turn teaches you to view the world differently, but that is not the same thing as indoctrination.

Person 1: That girl went to Portland State University and has been through a bunch of woke indoctrination. She now believes that man made climate change is real, trans women are women, and that there are more than two genders.
Person 2: I'm sorry, but all those things she believes are right. Humans are absolutely the cause of climate change, and your biology does not determine your gender

by nilethe146 September 26, 2023

Little pi day

July 22. Called little pi day because of the approximation of pi 22/7.

Little pi day pales in comparison to actual pi day.

by nilethe146 August 19, 2014