1. Messed up completely and without hope; to be in a hoplessly bad condition or position.
2. To spray with water from a hose.
3. Swindled or taken advantage of by deception.
4. To be waylaid and prevented from accomplishing something.
1) This engine is hosed. The pistons are seized and the block is cracked.
2) I hosed down the driveway this morning; now all the leaves and debris are gone.
3) I've been hosed! That Playstation I bought yesterday was an empty case weighted with rocks!
4) A: You, sir, are a hoser. I have done nothing today due to you distracting me! B: Nary, madame, I have hosed you not!
sources: 1) general usage, jargon 2) general usage, literal 3) southern central PA 4) JSD
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1. A hard, white, powdery substance traditionally used to write on slate panels and other hard surfaces. CaCO3, calcium carbonate.
2. To mark, as with chalk.
3. To meet a mark or level fully; to be full to a limit.
4. To attribute to someone or some thing.
1) Please select a piece of chalk and write your name on the chalkboard. This is your first warning.
2) I'll just chalk a picture here on the sidewalk.
3) That barrel is chalk full of grain.
4) You can just chalk that up to the devil's handiwork.
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