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to jump upon someone causing them pain usually in a large group all gaffling one person

in the matrix neo got gaffled by hundreds of agent smiths gaffle him

by nobbert June 1, 2003

11👍 44👎


to steal with a vengeance

i snaffled ur sisters virginity hahahah

by nobbert June 1, 2003

57👍 268👎


someone who licks their own spuds see fonger

u r a spudlicker

by nobbert June 1, 2003

3👍 4👎


a king amongst men with no flaws or any such failiures

look at that fit biatch she is such a nobbert

by nobbert June 1, 2003

5👍 5👎


a failed puff

u r a spoof cos u asked out a gay and they rejected u

by nobbert June 1, 2003

2👍 15👎