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Zachary is a man of refined taste, a brilliant conversationalist and a man who takes the time to see the beauty in things, moments and time.
Zachary often displaces love with lust, thus creating heartbreak for himself and others when things fall apart.
Zachary has a fearsome heart that only God drives, yet he has not learned to yield his trust in the Lord because the world is so attractive to him.
Zachary is like Jacob wrestling with God until He blesses and there is nothing wrong with that.
Zachary is very talented at learning and understanding both sides of a spectrum yet is confused on which path he should take.
Zachary is a blessing to any and all he comes to be around and often soaks up the energy he is around, negative or positive. Not to worry though, something tells me Zachary will find his way home.

Zachary and me were walking past that negative chic and she so zapped him with her energy!! Its all good though, Zachary is a fighter!

by nobody's January 17, 2011

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