A rather large middle school located in the center of Wilton, Connecticut. Middlebrooke is populated mostly of stuck up rich kids that belong to country clubs and teachers that wish they were as rich as their students. The school does not possess a uniform, however basically all of the students wear the exact same fucking thing.
The principal of the school is Maria Coleman, but she's super hot so everybody just wants to fuck her. It is not uncommon to find fat 7th graders jerking off to pictures of her in the bathroom. Coleman has dealt with her distracting sexiness by sending far less attractive people to enforce the bizarre Middlebrooke rules.
Mrs. Cuarez is not be of these individuals. She is an asshole. Dr. Leanard was another one of these people. But he had gay sex with one of the students in a Macy's parking lot, and now he's not here anymore.
The cafeteria food in Middlebrooke is the equivalent of reaching up your ass, pulling out the first thing you touch and shoving it down your throat. It either tastes like plastic, dog shit, human flesh, or all of them at the same time. It is unclear why the rich kids of Middlebrooke stand for such a horrifying cuisine.
The walls in the bathrooms/lockerooms in Middlebrooke are covered with crude drawings of the human anatomy, specifically dicks. Janitors are frequently spotted in the bathrooms/lockerooms attempting to remove the penises from the walls, but it is no use, as there will only be more tomorrow.
Wiltonian Middlebrooke student: " Great I just drew the 789th dick in the boy's lockeroom."
Student from another school: "You must go to Middlebrooke."