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A tag that only desperate people who have no real life skills try to obtain. Not only is it used by the other common means, most types of 'Weeaboo' are really only in it for the title. Egotistical and pathological, these people obsess over any little thing they can, not just Anime or Japanese Culture. They will go out of their way just to be the 'best' at something, as they cannot do anything close to that in real life. Weeaboos throw others like them under the bus, and they fight themselves over the quality of content they watch. If you have two people who argue that one show is better than another, they are most likely a Weeaboo. Another thing I've come to realize in years of research, is that not only do they fight other Weeaboos, but they fantasize about being at the top. The ultra-weeb if you will. They will use anything, including their own friends, to do just that. They seek acceptance and have a hard-on for anything they can preach as good content.

In whole though, be very careful who you choose to be friends with. If anyone goes ":3", "o3o", "oWo", or "-w-" or overglorifies anything they watch, say and do, they are most likely suffering from a mental illness and should really consider getting help.

I am just such a Weeaboo, just Look at my collection of Japanese Figures I had imported here! I have all 3 seasons in their entirety both in the manga and on Bluray.

by noimpinhead March 25, 2017

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