Nico is a person who has deathly smelling farts and shits, he never flushes the toilet and leaves it for the next person.
Nico: *leaves bathroom*
Guy 1: *walks into bathroom*
Guy 1: *dies for deathly inhalation*
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Nico is a emotional lesbian, he never knows where anything is, he blames everyone when he loses something.
Don't be like Nico
Nico: Where are my keys, I brought them inside last night.
Keys: *locked inside of car*
Nico: Someone must have moved them, I know I had them.
A boy who is a disrespectful entitled brat, he has a gap tooth and a forehead the size of texas. A Jerrod will never listen to what he is being told, it goes through one ear and out of the other.
Mom: Go to bed
Jerrod: Let me finish this video its only 5 more minutes.
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