An excellant award winning AAA scifi video game developed by Bioware and published by EA. In Mass Effect 3 you play as Commander Shepard a Spectre who must save the galaxy from a Reaper invasion. Hundreds of critics praised Mass Effect 3 and it scored dozens of perfect reviews. Unfortunatly the game was hated by thousands of Mass Effect fans because of the sad ending. Many claimed that the last sad ten minutes of the twenty+ hour experience destroyed the entire game. These fans were so disgruntled by the depressing ending that they created the Retake Mass Effect movement. Many developers were harrassed, hundreds of petitions were signed and Bioware was even reported to the Better Buisness Bureau by a Retake Mass Effect member. Eventually Bioware gave into the whining legions of Retake Mass Effect members. Extended cut a free DLC that adressed the plotholes and cliff hangers was released, but this didn't satisfy infact it just made the whiners even more angry because the ending was still sad. Now Mass Effect 3 a brilliant game will just be remembered as a big disapointment by the gaming community.
Critics: Mass Effect 3 is an exceptional game!
39👍 36👎
Something that has become increasingly more prominent in the gaming community over time. One has to look no further than the Mass Effect 3 Ending Controversy, protesters demanding a sequal to Half Life 2 and gamers whining about the PS3 getting DLC late. Another serious form of gamer entitlement is when PC gamers whine about developers not prioritizing the PC version of a game for their impractical gaming platform. Most PC gamers don't even buy games anymore, they just pirate them and they wonder why their favorite games don't have sequals. A gamer suffering from entitlement problems is very easy to identify, they have the tendancy to whine and moan over the smallest things and they like signing and creating petitions all the time, they also use excessive amounts of profanities. Gamers in general now days are extremely ungrateful and whiny, if a game isn't flawless they will complain and demand their money back.
Gamer entitlement is a serious mental disease and should not be taken lightly.
133👍 170👎