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Shit-cago...you MUST be from new york. Im glad that outta towners dont understand what chicago is all about, id rather enjoy my city without all the shitty attention and arrogance that LALA LAnd and New york get. Who gives a crap that LA is "2nd city", it has freakin 4 times as much land as chicago and only a few hundred thousand more people, hmm LA: only if your rich, a celeb, or a gangster New York: only if you want desiner clothes, live in a skyscraper "paradise"(by the way, didnt Chicago INVENT THE SKYSCRAPER!!!!) and be treated like shit by everyone living there and elsewhere. Chicago PWNS all. dirty lake and dirty river?!?!?! LOL ever look at the east hudson river? nuff said --->lake michigan, best drinking water in the WORLD...yes, THE WORLD why you think LA want a pipe built from chicago to california, hmm yea. you can keep hollywood, who gives a shit about celebrities. you can keep times square, carson daley sucks ass. you can keep beverly hills, we dont need plastic surgeons here in chitown. you can keep your shitty architecture. Murder capital, hell yea, get the fuck out if you dont like! pussies

Mcdonalds, disney, skyscrapers...yes all from chicago

by northsider1983 August 22, 2005

160👍 113👎


Ohh yea shit-cago...did i mention that the sears tower was the base design for the ex-twin towers, ohh too bad...yes chicago did it first yet again

beautiful architecture can be found in chicago

by northsider1983 August 22, 2005

48👍 144👎