A mediocre guy either in looks, personality, or both. And although he is average in every way, he thinks he is basically Ryan Reynolds.
While they may stay fig newtons forever it is possible for them to transform into somethingâ¦like an Oreoâ¦..or even a chocolate chip cookie.
While they are rare, fig newtons can also be female.
Examples: Jeff and Lester from the TV show Chuck
Dwight from the office.
Frollo from Hunchback of Norte Dame
Farquad from Shrek
Prince Charming from Shrek 2
Hans from Frozen
Jâson (Starlordâs âDadâ) from Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice (honorable mention Mr. Wickham)
Yeah, we talked a bit. But, he was a bit of a fig Newton so Iâm not interested.
Oh, nah! He a fig newton.
He got that fig newton haircut.
He talks like a fig newton.
He was the figgiest of newtons.