A dialect used either by people who think they are cool, or hackers (and people pretending to be hackers.) Involves replacing letters with numbers and/or symbols that look like them (and sometimes don't), and often mispelling, changing and abbreviating words. (SoMeTiMeS wRiTtEn LiKe ThIs) Is usually barely readable, and sometimes incoherent.
see npor
37👍 48👎
Break the word down.
Bum - Ass
Skeet - Sperm
That does NOT mean close friend!
So basically, calling a friend a "bumskeet", you're calling them ass sperm.
Good job.
Stay away from the internet.
There are no examples, nobody use this word. It's really, really fucking dumb. Bum skeet, nobody can use.
16👍 5👎