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A genre of music that's been around since the 80's or so. Early artists (ones that i can remember anyway) include Tone Loc, MC Hammer, and Sir Mix-a-Lot (Baby Got Back...love that song. And Resonate.) Rap is, in fact, not shorthand for "crap". Rap is like any other genre... lyrical and musical stories of life and incidents occuring in life. Rap is also like any other genre in the fact that some artists have 3-to-4 minute long songs about absolutely fucking nothing. Any fuckface can make a beat and spit words out and "make a million by saying nothin on the track" (to quote Mims, i think that's who said that anyway), but it takes real fuckin talent to make a song that goes to the bitter core of your soul. I'll name 50 Cent, Eminem's earlier music, and Immortal Technique as a few artists that have songs that go to the core. Rap's no better or worse than rock, country, or blues... and to all you motherfuckers who love to bash on rap, try this on for size. I listen to rock, country, and rap..and when it comes down to it, suckass songs aside, and ways you present your story in musical form, it's all the same. Music is life... the genre you choose is just how you tell your story. So fuck off, haters- you don't have to listen to it, but don't bash people who do, cause you're just contradicting yourself.

Rap isn't crap. Listen to "Dance With The Devil" by Immortal Technique, you'll change your mind.

by nunsgetnakedforjesus April 25, 2008

4👍 6👎


Enforcers of the law. Contrary to definitions given for the police on these pages, most police are just doing their job, protecting you from the crazy fuck who wants to break in your house, take a shit on your favorite rug, piss in your Mountain Dew, smash your keyboard through your monitor, and screw your dog. Of course there's corrupt police, the ones that take bribes and believe one race is morally superior than the other, but hell, the checkout girl at Wal-Mart might be a member of the Fourth Reich and the KKK and might be plotting to hack your credit card number, find your house, and torch it. Racist, corrupt people are everywhere, not just in the police force. So get off your ego trip about how police are tehz sux0rzzzz because they confiscated your bong and sent you off with a warning. Serve and protect, guys. One motherfucker in America, at least, respects all ya'll.

Billy: Man teh police iz pigz they took my bong and told my mommy and now i wont get my $250,000 Ferarri for my 18th birthday

John: Dude stfu, go buy another bong and don't light it up in front of the police station next time with your middle finger up

by nunsgetnakedforjesus April 25, 2008

107👍 121👎


Microsoft's newest operating system that has strikingly familiar speeds, quirks, and errors to Windows ME. Rumored to be the fastest and most aesthetically pleasing Windows OS yet but proof of these claims have rarely been seen by users. Mostly, an advertising scheme between Microsoft and computer hardware manufacturers to get you to purchase the newest and most expensive components on the market.

example 1:
We are Microsoft.
You and your data will be assimilated into Windows Vista and merged with the non-backwards compatible collective.
Resistance is futile.

Example 2:
MacOS X: Vista Aero... i am your father.
MacOS X: Search your feelings... you know it to be true.

Yeah, i use Ubuntu Linux and i'm a nerd... so fucking what?

by nunsgetnakedforjesus April 25, 2008

32👍 13👎